Manager | Name | Credit |
pypi | PyYAML | 0.028 |
pypi | pyzmq | 0.028 |
pypi | QtPy | 0.028 |
pypi | rubicon-objc | 0.028 |
pypi | scikit-image | 0.028 |
pypi | Send2Trash | 0.028 |
pypi | simplegeneric | 0.028 |
pypi | snowballstemmer | 0.028 |
pypi | sortedcollections | 0.028 |
pypi | sortedcontainers | 0.028 |
pypi | soupsieve | 0.028 |
pypi | sphinxcontrib-applehelp | 0.028 |
pypi | sphinxcontrib-devhelp | 0.028 |
pypi | sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp | 0.028 |
pypi | sphinxcontrib-jsmath | 0.028 |
pypi | sphinxcontrib-qthelp | 0.028 |
pypi | sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml | 0.028 |
pypi | SulfLiq | 0.028 |
pypi | tables | 0.028 |
pypi | terminado | 0.028 |
pypi | testpath | 0.028 |
pypi | tifffile | 0.028 |
pypi | tornado | 0.028 |
pypi | unicodecsv | 0.028 |
pypi | webencodings | 0.028 |
pypi | Werkzeug | 0.028 |
pypi | widgetsnbextension | 0.028 |
pypi | wrapt | 0.028 |
pypi | xlrd | 0.028 |
pypi | xlwings | 0.028 |
pypi | xlwt | 0.028 |
pypi | xmltodict | 0.028 |
pypi | zict | 0.028 |
pypi | zope.event | 0.028 |
pypi | typing-extensions | 0.027 |
requirements.txt | gitlab/ENKI-portal/vaporock | 0.01 |
pypi | pyside2 | 0.004 |
pypi | pyqt5 | 0.004 |
pypi | sphinx-rtd-theme | 0.004 |
pypi | sphinx | 0.004 |
pypi | watchdog | 0.004 |
pypi | qtsass | 0.004 |
pypi | qtpy | 0.004 |
Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.