
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
rubygems rake 0.207
rubygems faraday 0.124
rubygems ruby2_keywords 0.123
rubygems rdoc 0.062
rubygems hoe 0.061
rubygems rouge 0.051
rubygems bundler 0.031
rubygems rspec-mocks 0.023
rubygems rspec-expectations 0.023
rubygems rspec-core 0.023
rubygems kramdown 0.022
rubygems jekyll 0.018
rubygems rubocop 0.014
rubygems rspec 0.014
rubygems rubocop-jekyll 0.012
rubygems rb_sys 0.012
rubygems rake-compiler-dock 0.012
rubygems rake-compiler 0.012
rubygems public_suffix 0.01
rubygems rubocop-performance 0.01
Gemfile github/telatin/bamtocov 0.01
rubygems commonmarker 0.009
rubygems spoon 0.007
rubygems method_source 0.007
rubygems coderay 0.007
rubygems minitest 0.006
rubygems pry 0.004
rubygems liquid 0.004
rubygems coveralls 0.004
rubygems sassc 0.004
rubygems jekyll-seo-tag 0.003
rubygems jekyll-github-metadata 0.003
rubygems w3c_validators 0.003
rubygems rubocop-github 0.003
rubygems html-proofer 0.003
rubygems addressable 0.003
rubygems jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.002
rubygems jekyll-remote-theme 0.002
rubygems unicode-display_width 0.002
rubygems ruby-progressbar 0.002
rubygems rubocop-ast 0.002
rubygems rexml 0.002
rubygems regexp_parser 0.002
rubygems rainbow 0.002
rubygems parser 0.002
rubygems parallel 0.002
rubygems json 0.002
rubygems jekyll-sass-converter 0.002
rubygems safe_yaml 0.002
rubygems pathutil 0.002
rubygems mercenary 0.002
rubygems jekyll-watch 0.002
rubygems i18n 0.002
rubygems em-websocket 0.002
rubygems colorator 0.002
rubygems faraday-net_http 0.001
rubygems hashdiff 0.001
rubygems crack 0.001
rubygems webrick 0.001
rubygems typhoeus 0.001
rubygems test-unit 0.001
rubygems rack 0.001
rubygems patron 0.001
rubygems httpclient 0.001
rubygems http 0.001
rubygems excon 0.001
rubygems em-synchrony 0.001
rubygems em-http-request 0.001
rubygems curb 0.001
rubygems async-http 0.001

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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