
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
npm emotion 0.062
npm emotion-icons 0.05
npm apache-arrow 0.012
npm axios 0.012
npm baseui 0.012
npm camelcase 0.012
npm classnames 0.012
npm clipboard 0.012
npm color2k 0.012
npm copy-to-clipboard 0.012
npm cypress-circleci-reporter 0.012
npm d3 0.012
npm d3-graphviz 0.012
npm decamelize 0.012
npm 0.012
npm dompurify 0.012
npm fzy.js 0.012
npm hoist-non-react-statics 0.012
npm humanize-string 0.012
npm immer 0.012
npm immutable 0.012
npm jest-fetch-mock 0.012
npm json5 0.012
npm katex 0.012
npm lodash 0.012
npm mapbox-gl 0.012
npm moment 0.012
npm moment-duration-format 0.012
npm moment-timezone 0.012
npm node-emoji 0.012
npm numbro 0.012
npm plotly.js 0.012
npm prismjs 0.012
npm protobufjs 0.012
npm query-string 0.012
npm react 0.012
npm react-color 0.012
npm react-debounce-render 0.012
npm react-device-detect 0.012
npm react-dom 0.012
npm react-dropzone 0.012
npm react-feather 0.012
npm react-google-login 0.012
npm react-hotkeys 0.012
npm react-html-parser 0.012
npm react-json-view 0.012
npm react-map-gl 0.012
npm react-markdown 0.012
npm react-plotly.js 0.012
npm react-syntax-highlighter 0.012
npm react-transition-group 0.012
npm react-virtualized 0.012
npm react-webcam 0.012
npm react-window 0.012
npm rehype-katex 0.012
npm rehype-raw 0.012
npm remark-emoji 0.012
npm remark-gfm 0.012
npm remark-math 0.012
npm re-resizable 0.012
npm sass 0.012
npm sprintf-js 0.012
npm styled-components 0.012
npm styletron-engine-atomic 0.012
npm styletron-react 0.012
npm typed-signals 0.012
npm vega 0.012
npm vega-embed 0.012
npm vega-lite 0.012
npm xxhashjs 0.012
npm draco3d 0.012
npm webgl-obj-loader 0.012
npm d3-request 0.012
package.json github/streamlit/streamlit 0.01

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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