
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
pypi ruamel.yaml 0.055
pypi et-xmlfile 0.053
pypi smmap 0.053
pypi typing-extensions 0.04
pypi numpy 0.039
pypi future 0.033
pypi matplotlib 0.033
pypi six 0.033
pypi sympy 0.032
pypi ansicolors 0.029
pypi jellyfish 0.029
pypi memory-profiler 0.029
pypi multiprocess 0.029
pypi xlsxwriter 0.029
pypi palettable 0.028
pypi xtal2png 0.027
pypi cycler 0.027
pypi ruamel.yaml.clib 0.027
pypi wcwidth 0.026
pypi objgraph 0.026
pypi pytest 0.023
pypi pytest-cov 0.014
pypi gitdb 0.014
pypi sphinx 0.012 github/sparks-baird/xtal2png 0.01
pypi codecov 0.009
pypi latexcodec 0.007
pypi nose 0.007
pypi PyYAML 0.007
pypi enum34 0.007
pypi pandas 0.006
pypi wheel 0.005
pypi pycodestyle 0.005
pypi wmi 0.005
pypi pywin32 0.005
pypi mock 0.005
pypi ipaddress 0.005
pypi sphinx-rtd-theme 0.005
pypi scipy 0.005
pypi coverage 0.005
pypi colorama 0.004
pypi tox 0.003
pypi flake8 0.003
pypi black 0.003
pypi isort 0.003
pypi lxml 0.003
pypi IPython 0.003
pypi ubelt 0.003
pypi ninja 0.003
pypi cmake 0.003
pypi scikit-build 0.003
pypi Cython 0.003
pypi pre-commit 0.003
pypi xattr 0.002
pypi unicodedata2 0.002
pypi munkres 0.002
pypi brotli 0.002
pypi brotlicffi 0.002
pypi skia-pathops 0.002
pypi lz4 0.002
pypi zopfli 0.002
pypi fs 0.002
pypi jsonpickle 0.002
pypi dill 0.002
pypi gitpython 0.002
pypi line-profiler 0.002
pypi openpyxl 0.002
pypi psutil 0.002
pypi sphinx-autobuild 0.002
pypi Sphinx 0.002
pypi tox-travis 0.002
pypi win32-setctime 0.002
pypi aiocontextvars 0.002
pypi pymatgen 0.002
pypi loguru 0.002
pypi sciris 0.002
pypi monty 0.002
pypi networkx 0.002
pypi spglib 0.002
pypi uncertainties 0.002
pypi pybtex 0.002
pypi tabulate 0.002
pypi pytest-timeout 0.002
pypi pyroma 0.002
pypi packaging 0.002
pypi markdown2 0.002
pypi defusedxml 0.002
pypi check-manifest 0.002
pypi sphinxext-opengraph 0.002
pypi sphinx-removed-in 0.002
pypi sphinx-issues 0.002
pypi sphinx-copybutton 0.002
pypi olefile 0.002
pypi pillow 0.002
pypi bumpversion 0.002
pypi sphinx-automodapi 0.002
pypi sphinx-autodoc-typehints 0.002
pypi sphinx-click 0.002
pypi click 0.002
pypi tomli 0.002
pypi vtk 0.001
pypi ase 0.001
pypi netcdf4 0.001
pypi tqdm 0.001
pypi plotly 0.001
pypi requests 0.001
pypi pydot 0.001
pypi pygraphviz 0.001
pypi texext 0.001
pypi nb2plots 0.001
pypi numpydoc 0.001
pypi sphinx-gallery 0.001
pypi pydata-sphinx-theme 0.001
pypi mypy 0.001
pypi jsonlib 0.001
pypi pytest-flake8 0.001
pypi yajl 0.001
pypi ujson 0.001
pypi simplejson 0.001
pypi sqlalchemy 0.001
pypi scikit-learn 0.001
pypi pymongo 0.001
pypi feedparser 0.001
pypi ecdsa 0.001
pypi pytest-black-multipy 0.001
pypi pytest-checkdocs 0.001
pypi rst.linker 0.001
pypi jaraco.packaging 0.001
pypi importlib-metadata 0.001

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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