
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
requirements.txt github/sorenwacker/ProteomicsQC 0.01
pypi vine 0.008
pypi argon2-cffi 0.004
pypi argon2-cffi-bindings 0.004
pypi asgiref 0.004
pypi asttokens 0.004
pypi async-timeout 0.004
pypi attrs 0.004
pypi autobahn 0.004
pypi Automat 0.004
pypi backcall 0.004
pypi beautifulsoup4 0.004
pypi billiard 0.004
pypi biopython 0.004
pypi black 0.004
pypi bleach 0.004
pypi blis 0.004
pypi bokeh 0.004
pypi Boruta 0.004
pypi Brotli 0.004
pypi brotlipy 0.004
pypi catalogue 0.004
pypi celery 0.004
pypi certifi 0.004
pypi channels 0.004
pypi click 0.004
pypi click-didyoumean 0.004
pypi click-plugins 0.004
pypi click-repl 0.004
pypi cloudpickle 0.004
pypi colorlover 0.004
pypi constantly 0.004
pypi coverage 0.004
pypi coverage-badge 0.004
pypi cramjam 0.004
pypi cufflinks 0.004
pypi cycler 0.004
pypi cymem 0.004
pypi daphne 0.004
pypi dash 0.004
pypi dash-bootstrap-components 0.004
pypi dash-core-components 0.004
pypi dash-html-components 0.004
pypi dash-renderer 0.004
pypi dash-table 0.004
pypi dash-table-experiments 0.004
pypi dash-tabulator 0.004
pypi dask 0.004
pypi databricks-cli 0.004
pypi debugpy 0.004
pypi decorator 0.004
pypi defusedxml 0.004
pypi Deprecated 0.004
pypi Django 0.004
pypi django-admin-index 0.004
pypi django-bootstrap4 0.004
pypi django-cache-memoize 0.004
pypi django-classy-tags 0.004
pypi django-cookie-law 0.004
pypi django-cors-headers 0.004
pypi django-currentuser 0.004
pypi django-extensions 0.004
pypi django-light 0.004
pypi django-oauth-toolkit 0.004
pypi django-ordered-model 0.004
pypi django-plotly-dash 0.004
pypi djangorestframework 0.004
pypi docker 0.004
pypi dpd-components 0.004
pypi dpd-static-support 0.004
pypi entrypoints 0.004
pypi et-xmlfile 0.004
pypi executing 0.004
pypi fastjsonschema 0.004
pypi fastparquet 0.004
pypi Flask 0.004
pypi Flask-Compress 0.004
pypi fonttools 0.004
pypi fsspec 0.004
pypi funcy 0.004
pypi future 0.004
pypi gensim 0.004
pypi gitdb 0.004
pypi GitPython 0.004
pypi pygraphviz 0.004
pypi greenlet 0.004
pypi gunicorn 0.004
pypi h5py 0.004
pypi hdf5plugin 0.004
pypi htmlmin 0.004
pypi hyperlink 0.004
pypi ImageHash 0.004
pypi imbalanced-learn 0.004
pypi importlib-metadata 0.004
pypi incremental 0.004
pypi iniconfig 0.004
pypi ipykernel 0.004
pypi ipython 0.004
pypi ipython-genutils 0.004
pypi ipywidgets 0.004
pypi itsdangerous 0.004
pypi jedi 0.004
pypi Jinja2 0.004
pypi joblib 0.004
pypi jsonschema 0.004
pypi jupyter-client 0.004
pypi jupyter-core 0.004
pypi jupyterlab-pygments 0.004
pypi jupyterlab-widgets 0.004
pypi jwcrypto 0.004
pypi kiwisolver 0.004
pypi kmodes 0.004
pypi kombu 0.004
pypi lightgbm 0.004
pypi llvmlite 0.004
pypi locket 0.004
pypi lxml 0.004
pypi Mako 0.004
pypi Markdown 0.004
pypi MarkupSafe 0.004
pypi matplotlib 0.004
pypi matplotlib-inline 0.004
pypi missingno 0.004
pypi mistune 0.004
pypi mlflow 0.004
pypi mlxtend 0.004
pypi multimethod 0.004
pypi murmurhash 0.004
pypi mypy-extensions 0.004
pypi nbclient 0.004
pypi nbconvert 0.004
pypi nbformat 0.004
pypi nest-asyncio 0.004
pypi networkx 0.004
pypi nltk 0.004
pypi notebook 0.004
pypi numba 0.004
pypi numexpr 0.004
pypi numpy 0.004
pypi oauthlib 0.004
pypi openpyxl 0.004
pypi packaging 0.004
pypi pandas 0.004
pypi pandas-profiling 0.004
pypi pandocfilters 0.004
pypi panel 0.004
pypi param 0.004
pypi parso 0.004
pypi partd 0.004
pypi pathspec 0.004
pypi patsy 0.004
pypi pexpect 0.004
pypi phik 0.004
pypi pickleshare 0.004
pypi Pillow 0.004
pypi plac 0.004
pypi platformdirs 0.004
pypi plotly 0.004
pypi pluggy 0.004
pypi preshed 0.004
pypi prometheus-client 0.004
pypi prometheus-flask-exporter 0.004
pypi prompt-toolkit 0.004
pypi protobuf 0.004
pypi psims 0.004
pypi psutil 0.004
pypi psycopg2-binary 0.004
pypi ptyprocess 0.004
pypi pure-eval 0.004
pypi py 0.004
pypi pyarrow 0.004
pypi pyasn1 0.004
pypi pyasn1-modules 0.004
pypi pycaret 0.004
pypi pycosat 0.004
pypi pyct 0.004
pypi pydantic 0.004
pypi Pygments 0.004
pypi PyJWT 0.004
pypi pyLDAvis 0.004
pypi pynndescent 0.004
pypi pyod 0.004
pypi pyparsing 0.004
pypi pyrsistent 0.004
pypi pytest 0.004
pypi python-dateutil 0.004
pypi pytz 0.004
pypi pyviz-comms 0.004
pypi PyWavelets 0.004
pypi PyYAML 0.004
pypi pyzmq 0.004
pypi querystring-parser 0.004
pypi redis 0.004
pypi regex 0.004
pypi scikit-learn 0.004
pypi scikit-plot 0.004
pypi scipy 0.004
pypi seaborn 0.004
pypi Send2Trash 0.004
pypi service-identity 0.004
pypi shap 0.004
pypi slicer 0.004
pypi smart-open 0.004
pypi smmap 0.004
pypi soupsieve 0.004
pypi spacy 0.004
pypi SQLAlchemy 0.004
pypi sqlparse 0.004
pypi srsly 0.004
pypi stack-data 0.004
pypi statsmodels 0.004
pypi tables 0.004
pypi tabulate 0.004
pypi tangled-up-in-unicode 0.004
pypi tenacity 0.004
pypi terminado 0.004
pypi testpath 0.004
pypi textblob 0.004
pypi thinc 0.004
pypi threadpoolctl 0.004
pypi tomli 0.004
pypi toolz 0.004
pypi tornado 0.004
pypi traitlets 0.004
pypi Twisted 0.004
pypi txaio 0.004
pypi typing_extensions 0.004
pypi umap-learn 0.004
pypi visions 0.004
pypi waitress 0.004
pypi wasabi 0.004
pypi wcwidth 0.004
pypi webencodings 0.004
pypi websocket-client 0.004
pypi Werkzeug 0.004
pypi widgetsnbextension 0.004
pypi wordcloud 0.004
pypi wrapt 0.004
pypi xlrd 0.004
pypi yellowbrick 0.004
pypi zipp 0.004
pypi zope.interface 0.004

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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