
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
pypi botocore 0.017
pypi cityhash 0.017
pypi dask 0.017
pypi h5py 0.017
pypi numba 0.017
pypi numpy 0.017
pypi pyjwt 0.017
pypi requests 0.017
requirements.txt github/ska-sa/katdal 0.01
pypi aioconsole 0.009
pypi aiohttp 0.009
pypi aiohttp-retry 0.009
pypi aiokatcp 0.009
pypi aiomonitor 0.009
pypi aiosignal 0.009
pypi alabaster 0.009
pypi ansicolors 0.009
pypi appdirs 0.009
pypi argparse 0.009
pypi astropy 0.009
pypi async-timeout 0.009
pypi asynctest 0.009
pypi attrs 0.009
pypi Babel 0.009
pypi bokeh 0.009
pypi certifi 0.009
pypi chardet 0.009
pypi charset-normalizer 0.009
pypi coverage 0.009
pypi cycler 0.009
pypi decorator 0.009
pypi defusedxml 0.009
pypi docutils 0.009
pypi ephem 0.009
pypi fakeredis 0.009
pypi frozenlist 0.009
pypi future 0.009
pypi hiredis 0.009
pypi idna 0.009
pypi imagesize 0.009
pypi importlib-resources 0.009
pypi iniconfig 0.009
pypi jinja2 0.009
pypi jmespath 0.009
pypi jsonschema 0.009
pypi katportalclient 0.009
pypi katversion 0.009
pypi kiwisolver 0.009
pypi llvmlite 0.009
pypi lupa 0.009
pypi mako 0.009
pypi manhole 0.009
pypi markupsafe 0.009
pypi matplotlib 0.009
pypi msgpack 0.009
pypi multidict 0.009
pypi mypy 0.009
pypi mypy-extensions 0.009
pypi netifaces 0.009
pypi nose 0.009
pypi omnijson 0.009
pypi packaging 0.009
pypi pandas 0.009
pypi pillow 0.009
pypi pluggy 0.009
pypi pygelf 0.009
pypi pygments 0.009
pypi py 0.009
pypi pyephem 0.009
pypi pyerfa 0.009
pypi pyparsing 0.009
pypi pyrsistent 0.009
pypi pytest 0.009
pypi pytest-cov 0.009
pypi python-casacore 0.009
pypi python-dateutil 0.009
pypi python-lzf 0.009
pypi pytz 0.009
pypi pyyaml 0.009
pypi rdbtools 0.009
pypi redis 0.009
pypi scipy 0.009
pypi six 0.009
pypi snowballstemmer 0.009
pypi sortedcontainers 0.009
pypi spead2 0.009
pypi sphinxcontrib-applehelp 0.009
pypi sphinxcontrib-devhelp 0.009
pypi sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 0.009
pypi sphinxcontrib-jsmath 0.009
pypi sphinxcontrib-qthelp 0.009
pypi sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 0.009
pypi sphinxcontrib-websupport 0.009
pypi sphinx-rtd-theme 0.009
pypi sphinx 0.009
pypi strict-rfc3339 0.009
pypi terminaltables 0.009
pypi toml 0.009
pypi tomli 0.009
pypi toolz 0.009
pypi tornado 0.009
pypi typing 0.009
pypi typing_extensions 0.009
pypi ujson 0.009
pypi urllib3 0.009
pypi yarl 0.009
pypi zipp 0.009
pypi katpoint 0.009
pypi katsdptelstate 0.009

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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