Manager | Name | Credit |
pypi | sdss-marvin | 0.019 |
pypi | astropy | 0.019 |
pypi | dogpile.cache | 0.019 |
pypi | Flask-JWT-Extended | 0.019 |
pypi | fuzzywuzzy | 0.019 |
pypi | marvin-brain | 0.019 |
pypi | marvin-sqlalchemy-boolean-search | 0.019 |
pypi | marvin-wtforms-alchemy | 0.019 |
pypi | matplotlib | 0.019 |
pypi | numpyencoder | 0.019 |
pypi | packaging | 0.019 |
pypi | python-Levenshtein | 0.019 |
pypi | raven | 0.019 |
pypi | sdss-access | 0.019 |
pypi | sdss-tree | 0.019 |
pypi | sdsstools | 0.019 |
pypi | webargs | 0.019 |
pypi | werkzeug | 0.019 |
pypi | yamlordereddictloader | 0.019 |
pypi | configparser | 0.019 |
pypi | cycler | 0.019 |
pypi | daemonocle | 0.019 |
pypi | decorator | 0.019 |
pypi | docutils | 0.019 |
pypi | Flask | 0.019 |
pypi | flask-classful | 0.019 |
pypi | fonttools | 0.019 |
pypi | invoke | 0.019 |
pypi | kiwisolver | 0.019 |
pypi | marshmallow | 0.019 |
pypi | networkx | 0.019 |
pypi | passlib | 0.019 |
pypi | pillow | 0.019 |
pypi | pyerfa | 0.019 |
pypi | PyJWT | 0.019 |
pypi | pyparsing | 0.019 |
pypi | semantic-version | 0.019 |
pypi | sqlalchemy | 0.019 |
pypi | SQLAlchemy-Utils | 0.019 |
pypi | stevedore | 0.019 |
pypi | WTForms | 0.019 |
pypi | WTForms-Components | 0.019 |
pypi | email-validator | 0.019 |
pypi | intervals | 0.019 |
pypi | itsdangerous | 0.019 |
pypi | Jinja2 | 0.019 |
pypi | MarkupSafe | 0.019 |
pypi | pbr | 0.019 |
pypi | validators | 0.019 |
pypi | psutil | 0.019 |
pypi | dnspython | 0.019 |
pypi | infinity | 0.019 | | github/sdss/marvin | 0.01 |
Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.