Manager | Name | Credit |
pypi | biopython | 0.141 |
pypi | dendropy | 0.141 |
pypi | pyfastaq | 0.141 |
pypi | pysam | 0.141 |
pypi | pymummer | 0.141 |
pypi | matplotlib | 0.141 |
pypi | backports-functools-lru-cache | 0.046 |
pypi | six | 0.029 |
pypi | webencodings | 0.029 |
pypi | Cython | 0.012 |
pypi | cssselect | 0.012 | | github/sanger-pathogens/ariba | 0.01 |
pypi | html5lib | 0.004 |
pypi | lxml | 0.004 |
pypi | soupsieve | 0.004 |
pypi | BeautifulSoup4 | 0.002 |
Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.