Manager | Name | Credit |
pypi | tzdata | 0.091 |
pypi | matplotlib | 0.058 |
pypi | pydub | 0.055 |
pypi | cachetools | 0.053 |
pypi | tornado | 0.053 |
pypi | lxml | 0.05 |
pypi | sqlalchemy | 0.05 |
pypi | cycler | 0.047 |
pypi | future | 0.047 |
pypi | greenlet | 0.047 |
pypi | typing-extensions | 0.047 |
pypi | requests | 0.042 |
pypi | oauthlib | 0.032 |
pypi | requests-oauthlib | 0.024 |
pypi | importlib-resources | 0.023 |
pypi | cryptography | 0.021 |
pypi | backports.zoneinfo | 0.021 |
pypi | pyjwt | 0.016 |
pypi | blinker | 0.016 |
pypi | python-dateutil | 0.016 |
pypi | numpy | 0.011 |
pypi | pytz | 0.011 | | github/raspishake/rsudp | 0.01 |
pypi | pytest | 0.008 |
pypi | obspy | 0.008 |
pypi | python-telegram-bot | 0.008 |
pypi | twython | 0.008 |
pypi | setuptools | 0.008 |
pypi | APScheduler | 0.006 |
pypi | PySocks | 0.006 |
pypi | ujson | 0.006 |
pypi | certifi | 0.006 |
pypi | pytz-deprecation-shim | 0.006 |
pypi | pytest-mock | 0.005 |
pypi | zest.releaser | 0.005 |
pypi | pytest-cov | 0.005 |
pypi | pyroma | 0.005 |
pypi | black | 0.005 |
pypi | tzlocal | 0.005 |
pypi | gevent | 0.005 |
pypi | sphinx-rtd-theme | 0.005 |
pypi | sphinx | 0.005 |
pypi | trollius | 0.005 |
pypi | futures | 0.005 |
pypi | funcsigs | 0.005 |
pypi | six | 0.005 |
pypi | pyshp | 0.003 |
pypi | cartopy | 0.003 |
pypi | geographiclib | 0.003 |
pypi | pytest-json-report | 0.003 |
pypi | pyproj | 0.003 |
pypi | packaging | 0.003 |
pypi | decorator | 0.003 |
pypi | scipy | 0.003 |
Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.