
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
rubygems railties 0.065
rubygems rake 0.057
rubygems actionpack 0.048
rubygems activesupport 0.037
rubygems webmock 0.027
rubygems rspec 0.026
rubygems chartkick 0.022
rubygems bootsnap 0.022
rubygems honeybadger 0.022
rubygems pg 0.022
rubygems pagy 0.022
rubygems capybara 0.022
rubygems factory_bot_rails 0.022
rubygems rspec-rails 0.022
rubygems selenium-webdriver 0.022
rubygems vcr 0.022
rubygems web-console 0.022
rubygems spring 0.022
rubygems spring-commands-rspec 0.022
rubygems bundler 0.022
rubygems nio4r 0.022
rubygems redis-client 0.022
rubygems minitest 0.022
rubygems actionview 0.02
rubygems pry 0.02
rubygems rake-compiler 0.015
rubygems byebug 0.013
rubygems activemodel 0.013
rubygems mocha 0.011
rubygems zeitwerk 0.011
rubygems selma 0.011
rubygems sawyer 0.011
rubygems faraday 0.011
rubygems hashie 0.011
rubygems addressable 0.011
Gemfile github/openjournals/joss 0.01
rubygems activejob 0.009
rubygems nokogiri 0.009
rubygems simplecov 0.009
rubygems standard 0.007
rubygems net-ssh 0.007
rubygems octicons 0.007
rubygems rack 0.007
rubygems sprockets 0.006
rubygems crass 0.005
rubygems openssl 0.005
rubygems execjs 0.004
rubygems sourcemap 0.004
rubygems rails 0.004
rubygems omniauth 0.004
rubygems libv8-node 0.004
rubygems m 0.004
rubygems yard 0.003
rubygems uglifier 0.003
rubygems googleauth 0.003
rubygems google-apis-sheets_v4 0.003
rubygems google-apis-drive_v3 0.003
rubygems test-unit 0.003
rubygems rspec-mocks 0.003
rubygems sass 0.003
rubygems codeclimate-test-reporter 0.003
rubygems rack-test 0.003
rubygems omniauth-oauth2 0.003
rubygems ruby_dig 0.003
rubygems sprockets-rails 0.003
rubygems concurrent-ruby 0.002
rubygems sdoc 0.002
rubygems generator_spec 0.002
rubygems codecov 0.002
rubygems appraisal 0.002
rubygems tilt 0.002
rubygems sassc 0.002
rubygems ttfunk 0.002
rubygems ruby-rc4 0.002
rubygems hashery 0.002
rubygems Ascii85 0.002
rubygems afm 0.002
rubygems rdoc 0.002
rubygems morecane 0.002
rubygems cane 0.002
rubygems elasticsearch-transport 0.002
rubygems elasticsearch-api 0.002
rubygems ruby-prof 0.002
rubygems require-prof 0.002
rubygems activestorage 0.002
rubygems activerecord 0.002
rubygems actiontext 0.002
rubygems actionmailer 0.002
rubygems actionmailbox 0.002
rubygems actioncable 0.002
rubygems warning 0.002
rubygems rubocop-rake 0.002
rubygems rubocop-performance 0.002
rubygems rubocop-minitest 0.002
rubygems rubocop-ast 0.002
rubygems rubocop 0.002
rubygems minitest-stub-const 0.002

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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