
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
pypi jsonschema 0.011
requirements.txt github/nialov/fractopo 0.01
pypi alabaster 0.006
pypi anyio 0.006
pypi appnope 0.006
pypi argcomplete 0.006
pypi argon2-cffi-bindings 0.006
pypi argon2-cffi 0.006
pypi arrow 0.006
pypi asttokens 0.006
pypi attrs 0.006
pypi babel 0.006
pypi backcall 0.006
pypi beautifulsoup4 0.006
pypi bleach 0.006
pypi certifi 0.006
pypi cffi 0.006
pypi cfgv 0.006
pypi charset-normalizer 0.006
pypi click-plugins 0.006
pypi click 0.006
pypi cligj 0.006
pypi cloudpickle 0.006
pypi codespell 0.006
pypi cogapp 0.006
pypi colorama 0.006
pypi colorlog 0.006
pypi comm 0.006
pypi commonmark 0.006
pypi contourpy 0.006
pypi copier 0.006
pypi coverage 0.006
pypi cycler 0.006
pypi debugpy 0.006
pypi decorator 0.006
pypi defusedxml 0.006
pypi distlib 0.006
pypi docutils 0.006
pypi doit 0.006
pypi dunamai 0.006
pypi entrypoints 0.006
pypi exceptiongroup 0.006
pypi executing 0.006
pypi fastjsonschema 0.006
pypi filelock 0.006
pypi fiona 0.006
pypi fonttools 0.006
pypi fqdn 0.006
pypi geopandas 0.006
pypi hypothesis 0.006
pypi identify 0.006
pypi idna 0.006
pypi imagesize 0.006
pypi importlib-metadata 0.006
pypi importlib-resources 0.006
pypi iniconfig 0.006
pypi ipykernel 0.006
pypi ipython-genutils 0.006
pypi ipython 0.006
pypi isoduration 0.006
pypi iteration-utilities 0.006
pypi jedi 0.006
pypi jinja2-ansible-filters 0.006
pypi jinja2 0.006
pypi joblib 0.006
pypi json5 0.006
pypi jsonpointer 0.006
pypi jupyter-client 0.006
pypi jupyter-core 0.006
pypi jupyter-events 0.006
pypi jupyter-server-terminals 0.006
pypi jupyter-server 0.006
pypi jupyterlab-pygments 0.006
pypi jupyterlab-server 0.006
pypi jupyterlab 0.006
pypi kiwisolver 0.006
pypi livereload 0.006
pypi markupsafe 0.006
pypi matplotlib-inline 0.006
pypi matplotlib 0.006
pypi mistune 0.006
pypi mpmath 0.006
pypi munch 0.006
pypi nbclassic 0.006
pypi nbclient 0.006
pypi nbconvert 0.006
pypi nbformat 0.006
pypi nbsphinx 0.006
pypi nbstripout 0.006
pypi nest-asyncio 0.006
pypi nodeenv 0.006
pypi notebook-shim 0.006
pypi notebook 0.006
pypi nox 0.006
pypi numpy 0.006
pypi packaging 0.006
pypi pandas 0.006
pypi pandocfilters 0.006
pypi parso 0.006
pypi pathspec 0.006
pypi pexpect 0.006
pypi pickleshare 0.006
pypi pillow 0.006
pypi pkgutil-resolve-name 0.006
pypi platformdirs 0.006
pypi pluggy 0.006
pypi plumbum 0.006
pypi powerlaw 0.006
pypi pre-commit 0.006
pypi prometheus-client 0.006
pypi prompt-toolkit 0.006
pypi psutil 0.006
pypi ptyprocess 0.006
pypi pure-eval 0.006
pypi pycparser 0.006
pypi pydantic 0.006
pypi pygeos 0.006
pypi pygments 0.006
pypi pyinstrument 0.006
pypi pyparsing 0.006
pypi pyproj 0.006
pypi pyrsistent 0.006
pypi pytest-datadir 0.006
pypi pytest-regressions 0.006
pypi pytest 0.006
pypi python-dateutil 0.006
pypi python-json-logger 0.006
pypi python-ternary 0.006
pypi pytz 0.006
pypi pywin32 0.006
pypi pywinpty 0.006
pypi pyyaml-include 0.006
pypi pyyaml 0.006
pypi pyzmq 0.006
pypi questionary 0.006
pypi requests 0.006
pypi rfc3339-validator 0.006
pypi rfc3986-validator 0.006
pypi rich 0.006
pypi scikit-learn 0.006
pypi scipy 0.006
pypi seaborn 0.006
pypi send2trash 0.006
pypi setuptools 0.006
pypi shapely 0.006
pypi six 0.006
pypi sniffio 0.006
pypi snowballstemmer 0.006
pypi sortedcontainers 0.006
pypi soupsieve 0.006
pypi sphinx-autobuild 0.006
pypi sphinx-autodoc-typehints 0.006
pypi sphinx-gallery 0.006
pypi sphinx-rtd-theme 0.006
pypi sphinx 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-applehelp 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-devhelp 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-jsmath 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-qthelp 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 0.006
pypi stack-data 0.006
pypi terminado 0.006
pypi threadpoolctl 0.006
pypi tinycss2 0.006
pypi toml 0.006
pypi tomli 0.006
pypi tornado 0.006
pypi traitlets 0.006
pypi typer 0.006
pypi typing-extensions 0.006
pypi uri-template 0.006
pypi urllib3 0.006
pypi virtualenv 0.006
pypi wcwidth 0.006
pypi webcolors 0.006
pypi webencodings 0.006
pypi websocket-client 0.006
pypi zipp 0.006

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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