
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
cran R 0.193
cran testthat 0.067
cran pryr 0.033
cran survival 0.031
cran knitr 0.029
cran data.table 0.028
cran R6 0.028
cran rmarkdown 0.025
cran backports 0.023
cran checkmate 0.021
cran paradox 0.02
cran grDevices 0.02
cran stats 0.02
cran graphics 0.02
cran methods 0.018
cran evaluate 0.016
cran utils 0.014
cran callr 0.013
cran ggplot2 0.013
cran digest 0.012
cran Rcpp 0.012
cran mlr3misc 0.011
cran rpart 0.011
cran Matrix 0.011
cran lgr 0.01
DESCRIPTION github/mlr-org/mcboost 0.01
cran yaml 0.008
cran zoo 0.008
cran nanotime 0.008
cran xts 0.008
cran R.utils 0.008
cran curl 0.008
cran bit 0.008
cran bit64 0.008
cran distr6 0.008
cran mlr3 0.008
cran xfun 0.008
cran lars 0.008
cran shape 0.008
cran foreach 0.008
cran tibble 0.007
cran tinytest 0.007
cran microbenchmark 0.007
cran magrittr 0.007
cran devtools 0.007
cran fastmatch 0.007
cran mlr3measures 0.006
cran mlbench 0.006
cran mlr3pipelines 0.005
cran survAUC 0.004
cran simsurv 0.004
cran set6 0.004
cran pracma 0.004
cran param6 0.004
cran cubature 0.004
cran bujar 0.004
cran remotes 0.004
cran progressr 0.004
cran mlr3data 0.004
cran future.callr 0.004
cran datasets 0.004
cran codetools 0.004
cran uuid 0.004
cran palmerpenguins 0.004
cran parallelly 0.004
cran future.apply 0.004
cran future 0.004
cran glmnet 0.004
cran vtreat 0.003
cran GenSA 0.003
cran kknn 0.003
cran MASS 0.003
cran NMF 0.003
cran smotefamily 0.003
cran kernlab 0.003
cran fastICA 0.003
cran bestNormalize 0.003
cran visNetwork 0.003
cran stopwords 0.003
cran quanteda 0.003
cran nloptr 0.003
cran mlr3learners 0.003
cran mlr3filters 0.003
cran bbotk 0.003
cran lme4 0.003
cran igraph 0.003
cran withr 0.003
cran mlr3proba 0.001

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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