
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
pypi matplotlib 0.141
pypi keras 0.127
pypi sklearn 0.114
pypi numpy 0.063
pypi pandas 0.04
pypi scipy 0.027
pypi pytest-xdist 0.018
pypi pytest 0.018
pypi hypothesis 0.018
pypi pytz 0.018
pypi python-dateutil 0.018
pypi six 0.017
pypi h5py 0.017
pypi scanpy 0.017
pypi tensorflow 0.013
pypi kopt 0.012
pypi scikit-learn 0.012 github/lkmklsmn/DrivAER 0.01
pypi typing_extensions 0.01
pypi zarr 0.006
pypi dask 0.006
pypi docutils 0.006
pypi black>=20.8b1 0.006
pypi setuptools_scm 0.006
pypi importlib_metadata>=0.7 0.006
pypi joblib 0.006
pypi natsort 0.006
pypi h5py>=3 0.006
pypi grpcio 0.005
pypi tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.005
pypi tf-estimator-nightly 0.005
pypi tensorboard 0.005
pypi wrapt 0.005
pypi typing-extensions 0.005
pypi termcolor 0.005
pypi setuptools 0.005
pypi protobuf 0.005
pypi opt-einsum 0.005
pypi libclang 0.005
pypi keras-preprocessing 0.005
pypi google-pasta 0.005
pypi gast 0.005
pypi flatbuffers 0.005
pypi astunparse 0.005
pypi absl-py 0.005
pypi boltons 0.004
pypi openpyxl 0.004
pypi pytest-cov>=2.10 0.004
pypi pytest>=6.0 0.004
pypi loompy>=3.0.5 0.004
pypi scanpydoc>=0.7.3 0.004
pypi nbsphinx 0.004
pypi sphinx_issues 0.004
pypi sphinx-autodoc-typehints>=1.11.0 0.004
pypi sphinx-rtd-theme 0.004
pypi sphinx>=4.1,<4.2 0.004
pypi packaging>=20 0.004
pypi scipy>1.4 0.004
pypi numpy>=1.16.5 0.004
pypi pandas>=1.1.1 0.004
pypi seaborn 0.003
pypi profimp 0.002
pypi zappy 0.002
pypi fsspec 0.002
pypi pytest-nunit 0.002
pypi pytest>=4.4 0.002
pypi scikit-misc>=0.1.3 0.002
pypi scrublet 0.002
pypi scanorama 0.002
pypi cugraph>=0.9 0.002
pypi cuml>=0.9 0.002
pypi cudf>=0.9 0.002
pypi magic-impute>=2.0 0.002
pypi louvain>=0.6,!=0.6.2 0.002
pypi leidenalg 0.002
pypi harmonypy 0.002
pypi myst-parser 0.002
pypi python-igraph 0.002
pypi scanpydoc 0.002
pypi sphinx-rtd-theme>=1.0 0.002
pypi sphinx>=4.4 0.002
pypi bbknn 0.002
pypi session-info 0.002
pypi packaging 0.002
pypi umap-learn>=0.3.10 0.002
pypi numba>=0.41.0 0.002
pypi networkx>=2.3 0.002
pypi patsy 0.002
pypi statsmodels>=0.10.0rc2 0.002
pypi scikit-learn>=0.22 0.002
pypi flit_core 0.002
pypi tqdm 0.002
pypi scipy>=1.4 0.002
pypi pandas>=1.0 0.002
pypi matplotlib>=3.4 0.002
pypi numpy>=1.17.0 0.002
pypi anndata>=0.7.4 0.002
pypi anndata 0.001
pypi dca 0.001

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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