
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
npm lodash 0.127
npm core-js 0.124
npm vue-property-decorator 0.124
npm vue-router 0.124
npm vuex 0.124
npm 0.088
package.json github/leraman/Hopla 0.01
npm ts-loader 0.008
npm babel-loader 0.008
npm typescript 0.007
npm rollup 0.007
npm rimraf 0.007
npm prettier 0.007
npm conventional-changelog-cli 0.007
npm vue 0.006
npm webpack-cli 0.004
npm webpack 0.004
npm vue-loader 0.004
npm uglify-es 0.004
npm ts-jest 0.004
npm rollup-plugin-replace 0.004
npm rollup-plugin-babel 0.004
npm reflect-metadata 0.004
npm jest 0.004
npm css-loader 0.004
npm babel-jest 0.004
npm webpack-dev-server 0.003
npm vuetify-loader 0.003
npm vue-meta 0.003
npm url-loader 0.003
npm stylus-loader 0.003
npm stylus 0.003
npm style-loader 0.003
npm sass-loader 0.003
npm pug-loader 0.003
npm pug 0.003
npm postcss-loader 0.003
npm optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin 0.003
npm mini-css-extract-plugin 0.003
npm jest-canvas-mock 0.003
npm identity-obj-proxy 0.003
npm happypack 0.003
npm friendly-errors-webpack-plugin 0.003
npm fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin 0.003
npm file-loader 0.003
npm eslint-plugin-jest 0.003
npm dotenv 0.003
npm cssnano 0.003
npm concurrently 0.003
npm babel-polyfill 0.003
npm babel-plugin-transform-define 0.003
npm babel-plugin-module-resolver 0.003
npm babel-plugin-detective 0.003
npm autoprefixer 0.003
npm yorkie 0.003
npm vitest 0.003
npm tslib 0.003
npm ts-node 0.003
npm todomvc-app-css 0.003
npm terser 0.003
npm shelljs 0.003
npm semver 0.003
npm rollup-plugin-typescript2 0.003
npm puppeteer 0.003
npm postcss 0.003
npm minimist 0.003
npm marked 0.003
npm lint-staged 0.003
npm karma-jasmine 0.003
npm karma-esbuild 0.003
npm karma-cli 0.003
npm karma-chrome-launcher 0.003
npm karma 0.003
npm jsdom 0.003
npm jasmine-core 0.003
npm he 0.003
npm execa 0.003
npm esbuild 0.003
npm enquirer 0.003
npm cross-spawn 0.003
npm chalk 0.003
npm csstype 0.003
npm vue-class-component 0.001
npm vuetify 0.001

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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