
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
cran R 0.178
cran pracma 0.088
cran rgl 0.07
cran methods 0.043
cran utils 0.039
cran rmarkdown 0.038
cran knitr 0.038
cran grDevices 0.034
cran testthat 0.031
cran stats 0.02
cran graphics 0.02
cran ggplot2 0.014
cran maps 0.014
cran viridis 0.014
cran spam 0.014
cran bit64 0.012
cran celestial 0.012
cran pkgKitten 0.012
cran rbenchmark 0.012
cran inline 0.012
cran tinytest 0.012
DESCRIPTION github/kateharborne/SimSpin 0.01
cran plotrix 0.007
cran compiler 0.007
cran RUnit 0.007
cran rpart 0.007
cran mlbench 0.007
cran caret 0.007
cran parallel 0.007
cran iterators 0.007
cran foreach 0.007
cran htmlwidgets 0.007
cran htmltools 0.007
cran covr 0.007
cran stringi 0.007
cran magrittr 0.007
cran glue 0.007
cran RANN 0.007
cran formatR 0.006
cran reshape2 0.006
cran nycflights13 0.006
cran R6 0.006
cran fst 0.006
cran imager 0.006
cran mapproj 0.006
cran sm 0.006
cran MASS 0.006
cran yaml 0.006
cran zoo 0.006
cran nanotime 0.006
cran xts 0.006
cran R.utils 0.006
cran curl 0.006
cran bit 0.006
cran magicaxis 0.006
cran RColorBrewer 0.006
cran sn 0.005
cran ProFound 0.005
cran fftw 0.005
cran checkmate 0.005
cran LaplacesDemon 0.005
cran cubature 0.005
cran FITSio 0.005
cran cmocean 0.001
cran data.table 0.001
cran doParallel 0.001
cran fields 0.001
cran hdf5r 0.001
cran ProFit 0.001
cran Rcpp 0.001
cran sphereplot 0.001
cran stringr 0.001

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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