Manager | Name | Credit |
pypi | numpy | 0.173 |
pypi | biopython | 0.165 |
pypi | wsgiref | 0.165 |
pypi | importlib-metadata | 0.03 |
pypi | typing-extensions | 0.025 |
pypi | click | 0.023 |
pypi | itsdangerous | 0.023 |
pypi | watchdog | 0.023 |
pypi | requests | 0.022 |
pypi | packaging | 0.019 |
pypi | pyopenssl | 0.018 |
pypi | cryptography | 0.018 |
pypi | hiredis | 0.018 |
pypi | async-timeout | 0.018 |
pypi | deprecated | 0.018 |
pypi | pytest | 0.016 |
pypi | mypy | 0.014 |
pypi | colorama | 0.012 |
pypi | Babel | 0.012 |
pypi | MarkupSafe | 0.012 |
requirements.txt | github/diCenzo-GC/Tn-Core-webserver | 0.01 |
pypi | sphinx | 0.009 |
pypi | sympy | 0.008 |
pypi | pydot | 0.008 |
pypi | pygraphviz | 0.008 |
pypi | lxml | 0.008 |
pypi | texext | 0.008 |
pypi | nb2plots | 0.008 |
pypi | pillow | 0.008 |
pypi | numpydoc | 0.008 |
pypi | sphinx-gallery | 0.008 |
pypi | pydata-sphinx-theme | 0.008 |
pypi | pre-commit | 0.008 |
pypi | pandas | 0.008 |
pypi | matplotlib | 0.008 |
pypi | scipy | 0.008 |
pypi | pytest-asyncio | 0.006 |
pypi | coverage | 0.005 |
pypi | Flask | 0.002 |
pypi | networkx | 0.002 |
pypi | redis | 0.002 |
pypi | pytest-cov | 0.001 |
pypi | importlib-resources | 0.001 |
pypi | pytest-mypy | 0.001 |
pypi | pytest-black | 0.001 |
pypi | pytest-perf | 0.001 |
pypi | flufl.flake8 | 0.001 |
pypi | pyfakefs | 0.001 |
pypi | pytest-enabler | 0.001 |
pypi | pytest-flake8 | 0.001 |
pypi | pytest-checkdocs | 0.001 |
pypi | ipython | 0.001 |
pypi | rst.linker | 0.001 |
pypi | jaraco.packaging | 0.001 |
pypi | zipp | 0.001 |
pypi | virtualenv | 0.001 |
pypi | pytest-xdist | 0.001 |
pypi | six | 0.001 |
pypi | process-tests | 0.001 |
pypi | hunter | 0.001 |
pypi | fields | 0.001 |
Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.