
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
npm tap 0.039
npm mkdirp 0.022
npm ansi-regex 0.017
npm balanced-match 0.017
npm brace-expansion 0.017
npm cacatoo 0.017
npm chai 0.017
npm code-point-at 0.017
npm debug 0.017
npm decompress-response 0.017
npm detect-libc 0.017
npm esdoc 0.017
npm esdoc-standard-plugin 0.017
npm fast-random 0.017
npm flatted 0.017
npm fs 0.017
npm fs.realpath 0.017
npm has-unicode 0.017
npm iconv-lite 0.017
npm ignore-walk 0.017
npm inherits 0.017
npm ini 0.017
npm is-fullwidth-code-point 0.017
npm jsdocs 0.017
npm mimic-response 0.017
npm minimatch 0.017
npm minimist 0.017
npm ms 0.017
npm needle 0.017
npm node 0.017
npm nopt 0.017
npm npm 0.017
npm npm-bundled 0.017
npm npm-normalize-package-bin 0.017
npm npm-packlist 0.017
npm number-is-nan 0.017
npm object-assign 0.017
npm odex 0.017
npm os-homedir 0.017
npm os-tmpdir 0.017
npm osenv 0.017
npm path-is-absolute 0.017
npm rc 0.017
npm safe-buffer 0.017
npm safer-buffer 0.017
npm sax 0.017
npm semver 0.017
npm set-blocking 0.017
npm signal-exit 0.017
npm simple-concat 0.017
npm sinon 0.017
npm string-width 0.017
npm strip-ansi 0.017
npm strip-json-comments 0.017
npm standard 0.017
npm tape 0.017
package.json github/bramvandijk88/cacatoo 0.01
npm should 0.008
npm mocha 0.008
npm rimraf 0.006

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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