
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
rubygems bundler 0.343
rubygems json 0.163
rubygems simplecov_json_formatter 0.074
rubygems simplecov-html 0.074
rubygems docile 0.074
rubygems rake 0.036
rubygems gem_hadar 0.031
rubygems tins 0.028
rubygems yard 0.026
rubygems simplecov 0.016
rubygems term-ansicolor 0.012
rubygems power_assert 0.011
rubygems packnga 0.011
rubygems kramdown 0.011
rubygems test-unit 0.011
rubygems reline 0.01
rubygems irb 0.01
Gemfile github/aymgal/COOLEST 0.01
rubygems coveralls 0.01
rubygems debug 0.007
rubygems all_images 0.007
rubygems sync 0.005
rubygems utils 0.005
rubygems rspec 0.003
rubygems search_ui 0.002
rubygems pstree 0.002
rubygems mize 0.002
rubygems infobar 0.002
rubygems thor 0.002

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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