We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
pypi pandas 0.082
pypi pytest 0.072
pypi geocoder 0.041
pypi richardsonpy 0.041
pypi xlsxwriter 0.041
pypi dash 0.041
pypi dash_canvas 0.041
pypi h5py 0.041
pypi pyside6 0.041
pypi et-xmlfile 0.041
pypi psutil 0.041
pypi mpmath 0.041
pypi numpy 0.037
pypi matplotlib 0.029
pypi sphinx 0.028
pypi sphinx-rtd-theme 0.018
pypi numpydoc 0.016
pypi streamlit 0.014
pypi python-decouple 0.014
pypi oemof.solph 0.012
pypi pvlib 0.011
requirements.txt github/SESMG/SESMG 0.01
pypi scipy 0.009
pypi pillow 0.009
pypi pytest-cov 0.009
pypi oemof 0.006
pypi xarray 0.006
pypi networkx 0.006
pypi geopandas 0.006
pypi click 0.005
pypi flake8 0.005
pypi nbformat 0.005
pypi sphinx-design 0.004
pypi sphinx-copybutton 0.004
pypi blinker 0.004
pypi toolz 0.004
pypi oemof.db 0.004
pypi netCDF4 0.004
pypi dask 0.004
pypi alembic 0.004
pypi SQLAlchemy 0.004
pypi Shapely 0.004
pypi GeoAlchemy2 0.004
pypi sphinx-gallery 0.004
pypi scikit-learn 0.004
pypi CoolProp 0.003
pypi osmnx 0.003
pypi cartopy 0.003
pypi addict 0.003
pypi folium 0.003
pypi coverage 0.003
pypi mock 0.003
pypi pytest-mock 0.003
pypi sphinx-autodoc-typehints 0.003
pypi twine 0.003
pypi wheel 0.003
pypi pep8-naming 0.003
pypi tox 0.003
pypi termcolor 0.002
pypi 0.002
pypi 0.002
pypi pyomo 0.002
pypi dill 0.002
pypi 0.002
pypi jupyter 0.002
pypi descartes 0.002
pypi windpowerlib 0.002
pypi tables 0.002
pypi open-FRED-cli 0.002
pypi oedialect 0.002
pypi cdsapi 0.002
pypi statsmodels 0.002
pypi pydata_sphinx_theme 0.002
pypi pyyaml 0.002
pypi sphinx-issues 0.002
pypi ipykernel 0.002
pypi nbconvert 0.002
pypi flit 0.002
pypi pre-commit 0.002
pypi pandas-stubs 0.002
pypi mypy 0.002
pypi pytest-xdist 0.002
pypi snowflake-connector-python 0.002
pypi snowflake-snowpark-python 0.002
pypi watchdog 0.002
pypi tornado 0.002
pypi pydeck 0.002
pypi gitpython 0.002
pypi validators 0.002
pypi tzlocal 0.002
pypi typing-extensions 0.002
pypi toml 0.002
pypi tenacity 0.002
pypi rich 0.002
pypi requests 0.002
pypi python-dateutil 0.002
pypi pyarrow 0.002
pypi protobuf 0.002
pypi packaging 0.002
pypi importlib-metadata 0.002
pypi cachetools 0.002
pypi altair 0.002

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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