
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
pypi vine 0.012 github/RudolfCardinal/camcops 0.01
pypi camcops-server 0.006
pypi alabaster 0.006
pypi alembic 0.006
pypi appdirs 0.006
pypi asteval 0.006
pypi Babel 0.006
pypi beautifulsoup4 0.006
pypi black 0.006
pypi cardinal_pythonlib 0.006
pypi celery 0.006
pypi Chameleon 0.006
pypi CherryPy 0.006
pypi colander 0.006
pypi colorlog 0.006
pypi deform 0.006
pypi distro 0.006
pypi dogpile.cache 0.006
pypi Faker 0.006
pypi flake8 0.006
pypi flower 0.006
pypi gunicorn 0.006
pypi hl7 0.006
pypi isodate 0.006
pypi lockfile 0.006
pypi lxml 0.006
pypi matplotlib 0.006
pypi numpy 0.006
pypi openpyxl 0.006
pypi paginate 0.006
pypi pandas 0.006
pypi pdfkit 0.006
pypi pendulum 0.006
pypi pexpect 0.006
pypi phonenumbers 0.006
pypi Pillow 0.006
pypi prettytable 0.006
pypi psutil 0.006
pypi py 0.006
pypi py-bcrypt 0.006
pypi pycap 0.006
pypi pyexcel-ods3 0.006
pypi pyexcel-xlsx 0.006
pypi Pygments 0.006
pypi pyotp 0.006
pypi pyparsing 0.006
pypi PyPDF2 0.006
pypi pyramid 0.006
pypi pyramid_debugtoolbar 0.006
pypi pytest 0.006
pypi python-dateutil 0.006
pypi requests 0.006
pypi sadisplay 0.006
pypi scipy 0.006
pypi scrapy 0.006
pypi semantic_version 0.006
pypi sphinx 0.006
pypi sphinx_rtd_theme 0.006
pypi sqlalchemy 0.006
pypi sqlparse 0.006
pypi statsmodels 0.006
pypi tornado 0.006
pypi twilio 0.006
pypi urllib3 0.006
pypi Wand 0.006
pypi webob 0.006
pypi text-unidecode 0.006
pypi fhirclient 0.006
pypi billiard 0.006
pypi charset-normalizer 0.006
pypi cheroot 0.006
pypi click-didyoumean 0.006
pypi click-plugins 0.006
pypi click-repl 0.006
pypi cryptography 0.006
pypi cssselect 0.006
pypi cycler 0.006
pypi decorator 0.006
pypi docutils 0.006
pypi hupper 0.006
pypi itemadapter 0.006
pypi itemloaders 0.006
pypi Jinja2 0.006
pypi kiwisolver 0.006
pypi kombu 0.006
pypi mccabe 0.006
pypi more-itertools 0.006
pypi mypy-extensions 0.006
pypi parsel 0.006
pypi pathspec 0.006
pypi patsy 0.006
pypi peppercorn 0.006
pypi platformdirs 0.006
pypi pluggy 0.006
pypi portend 0.006
pypi prometheus-client 0.006
pypi protego 0.006
pypi ptyprocess 0.006
pypi pycodestyle 0.006
pypi PyDispatcher 0.006
pypi pyexcel-ezodf 0.006
pypi pyexcel-io 0.006
pypi pyflakes 0.006
pypi PyJWT 0.006
pypi pyOpenSSL 0.006
pypi pyramid-mako 0.006
pypi Mako 0.006
pypi python-editor 0.006
pypi pytzdata 0.006
pypi queuelib 0.006
pypi service-identity 0.006
pypi snowballstemmer 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 0.006
pypi translationstring 0.006
pypi Twisted 0.006
pypi typing-extensions 0.006
pypi venusian 0.006
pypi w3lib 0.006
pypi zope.deprecation 0.006
pypi zope.interface 0.006
pypi et-xmlfile 0.006
pypi humanize 0.006
pypi imagesize 0.006
pypi iso8601 0.006
pypi jaraco.collections 0.006
pypi jdcal 0.006
pypi plaster 0.006
pypi plaster-pastedeploy 0.006
pypi qrcode 0.006
pypi repoze.lru 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-applehelp 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-devhelp 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-jsmath 0.006
pypi sphinxcontrib-qthelp 0.006
pypi tldextract 0.006
pypi toml 0.006
pypi zc.lockfile 0.006
pypi Automat 0.006
pypi cffi 0.006
pypi constantly 0.006
pypi filelock 0.006
pypi hyperlink 0.006
pypi incremental 0.006
pypi jmespath 0.006
pypi lml 0.006
pypi MarkupSafe 0.006
pypi PasteDeploy 0.006
pypi requests-file 0.006
pypi tempora 0.006
pypi jaraco.functools 0.006
pypi jaraco.classes 0.006
pypi jaraco.text 0.006
pypi prompt-toolkit 0.006
pypi pyasn1 0.006
pypi pyasn1-modules 0.006
pypi jaraco.context 0.006
pypi pycparser 0.006
pypi wcwidth 0.006

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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