
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
pypi numpy 0.079
pypi toolz 0.063
pypi click 0.063
pypi locket 0.059
pypi pytest-cov 0.056
pypi pyproj 0.051
pypi pytest 0.049
pypi cloudpickle 0.042
pypi munch 0.042
pypi cdsapi 0.041
pypi netcdf4 0.041
pypi numexpr 0.041
pypi sphinx 0.023
pypi flake8 0.017
pypi shapely 0.016
pypi pandas 0.015
pypi numpydoc 0.013
pypi hypothesis 0.012
pypi fiona 0.01 github/PyPSA/atlite 0.01
pypi python-utils 0.01
pypi gitpython 0.01
pypi pyparsing 0.01
pypi pytest-mypy 0.01
pypi coveralls 0.008
pypi pydocstyle 0.008
pypi mock 0.007
pypi packaging 0.006
pypi freezegun 0.006
pypi dask 0.005
pypi sphinx-rtd-theme 0.005
pypi cligj 0.005
pypi click-plugins 0.005
pypi distributed 0.005
pypi fsspec 0.005
pypi boto3 0.004
pypi setuptools 0.004
pypi certifi 0.004
pypi attrs 0.004
pypi pre-commit 0.004
pypi pyyaml 0.004
pypi types-setuptools 0.004
pypi pytest-asyncio 0.004
pypi pytest-flake8 0.004
pypi tqdm 0.004
pypi requests 0.004
pypi rasterio 0.003
pypi bottleneck 0.003
pypi matplotlib 0.003
pypi ipython 0.003
pypi nbsphinx 0.003
pypi scipy 0.003
pypi partd 0.003
pypi pytest-xdist 0.003
pypi pytest-rerunfailures 0.003
pypi jinja2 0.003
pypi bokeh 0.003
pypi ordereddict 0.003
pypi argparse 0.003
pypi six 0.003
pypi affine 0.002
pypi snuggs 0.002
pypi smbprotocol 0.002
pypi paramiko 0.002
pypi s3fs 0.002
pypi ocifs 0.002
pypi libarchive-c 0.002
pypi aiohttp 0.002
pypi panel 0.002
pypi pygit2 0.002
pypi gcsfs 0.002
pypi fusepy 0.002
pypi importlib-metadata 0.002
pypi dropbox 0.002
pypi dropboxdrivefs 0.002
pypi pyarrow 0.002
pypi adlfs 0.002
pypi xarray 0.002
pypi geopandas 0.002
pypi progressbar2 0.002
pypi cftime 0.002
pypi ghp-import 0.002
pypi nbsphinx-link 0.002
pypi scanpydoc 0.002
pypi jupyter-client 0.002
pypi ipykernel 0.002
pypi sphinx-autosummary-accessors 0.002
pypi nc-time-axis 0.002
pypi seaborn 0.002
pypi pooch 0.002
pypi cfgrib 0.002
pypi zarr 0.002
pypi pydap 0.002
pypi h5netcdf 0.002
pypi netCDF4 0.002
pypi numbagg 0.002

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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