
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
npm lodash 0.043
npm body-parser 0.038
npm cookie-parser 0.038
npm date-fns 0.038
npm deep-equal-in-any-order 0.038
npm dice-coefficient 0.038
npm elasticdump 0.038
npm elasticsearch 0.038
npm esm 0.038
npm express 0.038
npm fibers 0.038
npm node-fetch 0.038
npm saxes 0.038
npm swagger-jsdoc 0.038
npm swagger-ui-express 0.038
npm winston 0.038
npm readable-stream 0.024
npm xregexp 0.019
npm tap 0.019
npm bufferedstream 0.019
npm through2 0.018
npm tape 0.018
npm standard 0.013
npm istanbul 0.012
package.json github/PathwayCommons/grounding-search 0.01
npm coveralls 0.009
npm mocha 0.009
npm nyc 0.007
npm concat-stream 0.005
npm split2 0.005
npm minimist 0.005
npm json-stringify-safe 0.005
npm ubelt 0.005
npm through 0.005
npm asynct 0.005
npm event-stream 0.005
npm it-is 0.005
npm stream-spec 0.005
npm string-to-stream 0.005
npm requirejs 0.005
npm docdown 0.005
npm qunitjs 0.005
npm platform 0.005
npm qunit-extras 0.005
npm supertest 0.005
npm eslint-plugin-standard 0.005
npm eslint-plugin-promise 0.005
npm eslint-plugin-node 0.005
npm eslint-plugin-markdown 0.005
npm eslint-plugin-import 0.005
npm eslint-config-standard 0.005
npm eslint 0.005
npm git-state 0.005
npm xpath 0.005
npm coffeescript 0.005
npm coffee-coverage 0.005
npm split 0.003
npm on-headers 0.002
npm on-finished 0.002
npm depd 0.002
npm debug 0.002
npm basic-auth 0.002
npm fresh 0.002
npm parseurl 0.002
npm etag 0.002
npm ms 0.002
npm safe-buffer 0.002
npm temp-path 0.002
npm xo 0.002
npm rimraf 0.002
npm random-buffer 0.002
npm path-exists 0.002
npm nock 0.002
npm is-zip 0.002
npm ava 0.002
npm pify 0.002
npm p-event 0.002
npm make-dir 0.002
npm got 0.002
npm get-stream 0.002
npm filenamify 0.002
npm file-type 0.002
npm ext-name 0.002
npm decompress 0.002
npm content-disposition 0.002
npm archive-type 0.002

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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