
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
npm express 0.079
npm body-parser 0.078
npm lodash 0.075
npm bytes 0.071
npm chokidar 0.071
npm dotenv 0.071
npm ws 0.071
npm mocha 0.028
npm mkdirp 0.026
npm glob 0.026
npm tap 0.023
npm bluebird 0.021
npm object-assign 0.02
npm nyc 0.015
npm istanbul 0.014
npm supertest 0.013
npm eslint 0.013
npm any-promise 0.012
npm thenify-all 0.012
package.json github/Kaixhin/FGMachine 0.01
npm rimraf 0.009
npm vary 0.009
npm after 0.009
npm tough-cookie 0.006
npm request 0.005
npm browserify 0.005
npm split 0.004
npm eslint-plugin-standard 0.004
npm eslint-plugin-promise 0.004
npm eslint-plugin-node 0.004
npm eslint-plugin-markdown 0.004
npm eslint-plugin-import 0.004
npm eslint-config-standard 0.004
npm on-headers 0.004
npm on-finished 0.004
npm depd 0.004
npm debug 0.004
npm basic-auth 0.004
npm run-sequence 0.004
npm publish-please 0.004
npm gulp-mocha 0.004
npm gulp-istanbul 0.004
npm gulp-eslint 0.004
npm gulp-coveralls 0.004
npm gulp 0.004
npm chalk 0.004
npm chai 0.004
npm stealthy-require 0.004
npm request-promise-core 0.004
npm uglify-js 0.003
npm sinon 0.003
npm serve-static 0.003
npm rx 0.003
npm optimist 0.003
npm open 0.003
npm kefir 0.003
npm jshint-stylish 0.003
npm jshint 0.003
npm highland 0.003
npm grunt-saucelabs 0.003
npm cross-spawn 0.003
npm co 0.003
npm cli-table 0.003
npm baconjs 0.003
npm acorn-walk 0.003
npm acorn 0.003
npm taper 0.002
npm tape 0.002
npm standard 0.002
npm server-destroy 0.002
npm phantomjs-prebuilt 0.002
npm karma-tap 0.002
npm karma-phantomjs-launcher 0.002
npm karma-coverage 0.002
npm karma-cli 0.002
npm karma-browserify 0.002
npm karma 0.002
npm function-bind 0.002
npm coveralls 0.002
npm codecov 0.002
npm buffer-equal 0.002
npm browserify-istanbul 0.002
npm uuid 0.002
npm tunnel-agent 0.002
npm safe-buffer 0.002
npm qs 0.002
npm performance-now 0.002
npm oauth-sign 0.002
npm mime-types 0.002
npm json-stringify-safe 0.002
npm isstream 0.002
npm is-typedarray 0.002
npm http-signature 0.002
npm har-validator 0.002
npm form-data 0.002
npm forever-agent 0.002
npm extend 0.002
npm combined-stream 0.002
npm caseless 0.002
npm aws4 0.002
npm aws-sign2 0.002
npm cors 0.001
npm morgan 0.001
npm mz 0.001
npm request-promise 0.001

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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