Manager | Name | Credit |
pypi | numpy | 0.158 |
pypi | scipy | 0.119 |
pypi | matplotlib | 0.094 |
pypi | et-xmlfile | 0.075 |
pypi | pandas | 0.034 |
pypi | pytest | 0.034 |
pypi | pytest-cov | 0.021 |
pypi | sphinx | 0.021 |
pypi | Cython | 0.019 |
pypi | BeautifulSoup4 | 0.019 |
pypi | html5lib | 0.019 |
pypi | cssselect | 0.019 |
pypi | hypothesis | 0.018 |
pypi | lxml | 0.015 |
pypi | immutabledict | 0.015 |
pypi | protobuf | 0.015 |
pypi | absl-py | 0.015 |
pypi | twine | 0.015 |
pypi | wheel | 0.015 |
pypi | pytest-xdist | 0.013 |
pypi | pytz | 0.013 |
pypi | python-dateutil | 0.013 |
requirements.txt | github/CSi-Studio/G-Aligner | 0.01 |
pypi | numpydoc | 0.007 |
pypi | psims | 0.007 |
pypi | pynumpress | 0.007 |
pypi | hdf5plugin | 0.007 |
pypi | h5py | 0.007 |
pypi | sqlalchemy | 0.007 |
pypi | pooch | 0.006 |
pypi | scikit-image | 0.006 |
pypi | sphinx-gallery | 0.005 |
pypi | mypy | 0.005 |
pypi | black | 0.005 |
pypi | xmlschema | 0.005 |
pypi | setuptools | 0.005 |
pypi | requests | 0.005 |
pypi | pygments | 0.005 |
pypi | mock | 0.005 |
pypi | attrs | 0.005 |
pypi | argcomplete | 0.005 |
pypi | colorama | 0.005 |
pypi | tomli | 0.005 |
pypi | exceptiongroup | 0.005 |
pypi | pluggy | 0.005 |
pypi | packaging | 0.005 |
pypi | iniconfig | 0.005 |
pypi | plotly | 0.004 |
pypi | seaborn | 0.004 |
pypi | memory-profiler | 0.004 |
pypi | scikit-learn | 0.004 |
pypi | codecov | 0.004 |
pypi | pydot | 0.004 |
pypi | pygraphviz | 0.004 |
pypi | texext | 0.004 |
pypi | nb2plots | 0.004 |
pypi | pillow | 0.004 |
pypi | pydata-sphinx-theme | 0.004 |
pypi | pre-commit | 0.004 |
pypi | pyupgrade | 0.004 |
pypi | pyarrow | 0.002 |
pypi | polars | 0.002 |
pypi | pyamg | 0.002 |
pypi | ruff | 0.002 |
pypi | sphinxext-opengraph | 0.002 |
pypi | sphinx-prompt | 0.002 |
pypi | Pillow | 0.002 |
pypi | sphinx-copybutton | 0.002 |
pypi | threadpoolctl | 0.002 |
pypi | joblib | 0.002 |
pypi | pyteomics | 0.001 |
pypi | networkx | 0.001 |
pypi | gurobipy | 0.001 |
pypi | ortools | 0.001 |
pypi | scikit_learn | 0.001 |
pypi | xlrd | 0.001 |
pypi | openpyxl | 0.001 |
Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.