
We use CiteLang to clone this repository, and parse found dependency files to generate this credit table and badge. For each research software repository, we assign a credit split (0.5 or 50/50) to say that the research software gets 50% of the credit, and the remaining 50% is shared by the dependencies. The same holds true for the children of dependencies up until we reach a minimum level of credit in the tree, at which point we stop parsing.

Software Credit

Manager Name Credit
spack mpi 0.495
spack gmake 0.1
spack cmake 0.055
spack gnuconfig 0.05
spack ninja 0.029
spack pkgconfig 0.02
spack python 0.011
spack zlib-api 0.01
CMakeLists.txt github/AMReX-Combustion/PeleLMeX 0.01
spack openssl 0.01
spack libbsd 0.009
spack meson 0.009
spack automake 0.007
spack autoconf 0.007
spack libtool 0.007
spack m4 0.007
spack expat 0.007
spack bzip2 0.007
spack xz 0.007
spack mbedtls 0.006
spack ncurses 0.004
spack gettext 0.004
spack readline 0.004
spack sqlite 0.004
spack gdbm 0.004
spack libnsl 0.004
spack libffi 0.004
spack tk 0.004
spack tcl 0.004
spack uuid 0.004
spack tix 0.004
spack libxcrypt 0.004
spack gnutls 0.003
spack nss 0.003
spack libidn2 0.003
spack nghttp2 0.003
spack libssh2 0.003
spack libssh 0.003
spack krb5 0.003
spack rtmpdump 0.003
spack lz4 0.003
spack lzo 0.003
spack zstd 0.003
spack nettle 0.003
spack libxml2 0.003
spack iconv 0.003
spack py-pip 0.002
spack py-wheel 0.002
spack py-flit-core 0.002
spack py-sphinxcontrib-applehelp 0.002
spack py-sphinxcontrib-devhelp 0.002
spack py-sphinxcontrib-jsmath 0.002
spack py-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 0.002
spack py-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 0.002
spack py-sphinxcontrib-qthelp 0.002
spack py-jinja2 0.002
spack py-pygments 0.002
spack py-docutils 0.002
spack py-snowballstemmer 0.002
spack py-babel 0.002
spack py-alabaster 0.002
spack py-imagesize 0.002
spack py-requests 0.002
spack py-packaging 0.002
spack py-importlib-metadata 0.002
spack py-colorama 0.002
spack py-setuptools 0.002
spack py-sphinxcontrib-websupport 0.002
spack py-six 0.002
spack py-sphinx-rtd-theme 0.002
spack guile 0.002

Note that credit values are rounded and expanded (so shared dependencies are represented as one record) and may not add to 1.0. Rounded values that hit zero are removed.

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