Source code for rse.defaults


Copyright (C) 2020 Vanessa Sochat.

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from rse.logger import RSE_LOG_LEVEL
from rse.exceptions import MissingEnvironmentVariable
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os

logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, RSE_LOG_LEVEL))
bot = logging.getLogger("rse.defaults")

[docs]def getenv(variable_key, default=None, required=False, silent=True): """attempt to get an environment variable. If the variable is not found, None is returned. Arguments: - variable_key (str) : the variable name - required (bool) : exit with error if not found - silent (bool) : Do not print debugging information """ variable = os.environ.get(variable_key, default) if variable is None and required: raise MissingEnvironmentVariable(variable_key) if not silent and variable is not None: bot.debug("%s found as %s" % (variable_key, variable)) return variable
RSE_NPROC = multiprocessing.cpu_count() RSE_WORKERS = int(getenv("RSE_WORKERS", RSE_NPROC * 2 + 1)) RSE_SHELL = getenv("RSE_SHELL", "ipython") RSE_CONFIG_FILE = getenv("RSE_CONFIG_FILE", "rse.ini") # Default database is filesystem RSE_DATABASE = getenv("RSE_DATABASE") # Database folder for filesystem or sqlite database RSE_DATABASE_STRING = os.environ.get("RSE_DATABASE") # Parsers installed RSE_PARSERS = ["github"] # Default taxonomy and criteria endpoints, and place to post annotation issues RSE_API_ENDPOINT = getenv("RSE_API_ENDPOINT", "") RSE_ISSUE_ENDPOINT = getenv("RSE_ISSUE_ENDPOINT", "") RSE_HOST = getenv("RSE_HOST") if RSE_HOST and RSE_HOST.endswith("/"): RSE_HOST = RSE_HOST.rstrip("/") # MUST start and end with slash RSE_URL_PREFIX = getenv("RSE_URL_PREFIX", "/") if not RSE_URL_PREFIX.startswith("/"): RSE_URL_PREFIX = "/%s" % RSE_URL_PREFIX if not RSE_URL_PREFIX.endswith("/"): RSE_URL_PREFIX = "%s/" % RSE_URL_PREFIX # Dashboard settings RSE_HOSTNAME = getenv("RSE_HOSTNAME", "")