All of the Hats

For our 100th episode, we bring in an immensely insightful leader to talk about the future of HPC.

Posted by @vsoch · 1 min read

1 August 2024

As we hit the five year mark for the Developer Stories Podcast, we want to pause to celebrate a milestone that not many podcasts achieve - the 100th episode! 🎉 To celebrate, we have an immensely special guest - Andrew Jones from Microsoft, a leader in the high performance computing community that is “currently planning the future of HPC & AI at Microsoft Azure” and writes about trends in his blog and is a prominent voice in our community.


If you are interested in the future of HPC, including strategy, culture, history, and the technology itself, and especially in the context of the cloud and converged computing, I know you will be interested to listen to this episode! We especially have some fun at the end as we play a game, weaving what the world might look like with our AI future… 😆️

From this passionate author to you, Happy 100 episodes, and enjoy!


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